I started telling him about how we had to have another child. I'm going to admit right here this is painful and an awful argument especially since I have friends who have fallen into this category, but I used as a reason to have another child that if one child died I didn't want the other to be alone--I thought they should have multiple siblings for support. He didn't necessarily buy it, but we have two more children (Caroline will explain she is one of the 99% birth control failure rates--yes she told ALL of Collegiate 8th grade).
It's been hard; it's been financially difficult-emotionally, physically and all the other things difficult but it's also been absolutely the most life giving wonderful experience of our lives. (An Example)
So tonight some of my neurosis has come to a positive place--I said to Boss, "I can't wait to get SK home tomorrow but I know it might be hard for you; you've been the oldest for a year. It will be different; we have to get ready for that. Y'all might fight more than usual." Boss, "Mama, I just want her home. I need her home."
And then later--after SK finished her final exam of her first year (and can I just say she's Dean's list for the whole freaking year--yes I'm shouting it silently from the rooftops because she wouldn't want me to tell anyone, but I am so incredibly proud and it wasn't easy--she worked for it--) Caroline sat in the kitchen with the phone on her knee speaker on with SK and they were talking about the next few weeks. She told her how she might go to prom with someone who might not have a date. Boss came in from playing basketball and told us all about playing and the people who were there. William slipped through telling us about prom dinner plans. It was as if nothing major had happened. As if we haven't been separated. As if this was just another night at the Doyle's. But it's not. We have already started the separating--we have already had one year of one of us being apart from the others and the next three years will go far too fast for me. But for now, well for now--tomorrow I leave to get SK, and SK is connected to the others--to the ones we know as Boss, Willie Wonka, and Carolina--to the multiple siblings--to the people who make us all complete. Connected to the people who love the most regardless of dean's list, athletic awards or anything else. None of that matters we are connected just because we are family-- Tomorrow we're all together--for better or worse--as a unit--completing one another--the O'Doyle's.
I know one day they will go their separate ways, but for now we are the O'Doyle's and we did something right.
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