17 November 2011

Just another ride home

Last night we had church directory pictures--yes there is a blog in that experience, but it was the ride home that gets center stage this morning.

The conversation started with a simple statement that we needed to stop for tampons either tonight or I could get them in the am.

Chris: Menstruation sure is expensive.

William: SK showed me how to use a tampon today.

Christopher: When did you show him?

SK: I didn't show him on me. I just showed him what they looked like, and I showed him how you push them up.

Note that it never occurred to anyone to doubt that she had showed him--ugh--

Chris: Need I remind you that menstruation is expensive. We don't need to waste the product for tutorials.

William: Do you have to change them everyday?

SK: Every couple of hours. It's about not getting infections.

William: Every couple of hours!?!?! You must use a lot of tampons.

Caroline: Tampons are a great invention. I wonder who invented them? It's a good thing they did or there would be blood everywhere.

SK: No, before tampons they had pads.

William: What did they have before pads?

SK: I have no idea, maybe they didn't use anything.

William: What about during the frontier days?

SK: I don't know. They had long dresses.

William: So that's why they wore hoop dresses back then.

Christopher and SK together: NO!!!!

Caroline: What about the Indians? I mean they barely wore anything down there.

Christopher: They barely wore anything at all.

SK: I should have done the history of the tampon for my National History day project.

Chris: No, it's probably better that you didn't.

SK: The pill would have been good then.

Me: There's not a very long history of the pill. It's relatively new.

William: What's the pill?

we are now in the neighborhood, so I'm thinking this conversation cannot deteriorate; how wrong I was.

SK: (briefly explains what the pill is to William)

William: Are you on the pill?

Chris and I together: NO!!!!

SK: But there are a lot of girls my age on it to help regulate themselves.

Christopher: Yeah, right--

SK: No really, but the side effects can be pretty bad. Some people gain weight some break out.

I look over at Chris and can see the wheels spinning in his mind. How does she know about side effects?

SK: So, I don't think I want to go on it.

And with that we pulled into the driveway--just a family ride home from getting church directory pictures.

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